Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The beginning...

It all started at the Uptown Transit Center bus stop.  That's where Lori and I met while waiting for the #8 Menaul Westbound bus.  At some point during our brief encounters on the bus, she mentioned that her dwarf kitty, Rue, appeared to be expecting... so much so that her little tummy was dragging on the ground.  It was fun hearing about the impending arrival, but I remember feeling sad, too.  I was still reeling from the loss of my two beloved "girls," Shadow and Mira, who I had lost in June and September of 2009.  Shadow had been my companion for 19 years, since she came to me as a kitten in May 1990.  I'd adopted Mira as a three-year-old in about 1996.  Losing those two was so painful, I didn't think I'd ever be able to open my heart to cats in my life ever again.

How wrong I was...  When Lori announced on Facebook on August 23, 2010, that Rue's kittens were born, I thought it would be fun to see them, since I hadn't been around kittens for 20 years.  And, I did get to see them when they were about two weeks old.  I was impressed by the fact that Rue practically dragged me to see her babies.  But, I still wasn't ready to become attached.  A couple of weeks later, Lori asked if I would consider taking some photos of the kittens.  Sure, I thought, it would be fun to get some fun kitty photos...  And that day was when I knew these two and I had to be together, so I asked to adopt them.  I am starting this blog to chronicle the adventures of my life with the addition of two very lively boys... Trotter and Maddie.

Trotter's name came quite easily, because he trots.  Maddie took a bit longer to reveal his name, and his gender.  Until a few days ago, we thought Maddie was a girl.  But when I was coming up with her name a few weeks ago, we still weren't quite sure of her gender, so the name Maddie came up.  It was either going to be Madeline (if female), or Madison (if male).  Also, Maddie's nickname for a while was "Trouble," so "Maddie, Maddie, Bobaddy" seemed to fit.  Now that we know he's a boy, I like his name as Madison/Maddie.

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