Monday, January 10, 2011


I was awakened about 2:30 this morning by the sound of my two kittens crashing and thumping into walls, doors, and other unknown targets.  Fearing that my neighbors might be bothered by the noise, I called the little ones into the bedroom.  They said a brief, "mrrttt," then continued with their lively games.  This was uncharacteristic activity for them, since they normally sleep through the night.  Fortunately, they wore themselves out and peace was restored.  I awoke with one grey kitten stretched out on the bed at my back, and the other one asleep in the kitty carrier perched atop some plastic bins next to the bed.  They must have been really pooped, because they were quite slow to rise and shine.

I have been having problems with tendonitis in my left elbow, so yesterday I bought an elbow support brace, which I'd left on the kitchen ledge when I went to bed.  At least, I thought that's where I'd left it.  It wasn't there when I decided to put it on this morning.  I immediately suspected that it might have been the source of all the romping and thumping last night. Only problem was, I couldn't find it anywhere.  I looked under the bed, all around the living room (including underneath all the various kitty-entertainments around the floor), in the bathroom, in the kitchen... looked everywhere two babies might have dragged it.  I looked a second time, and a third... I really needed that brace.  Nothing.  I finally gave up, deciding maybe it would be revealed when I got home after work.  So, I gathered my sneakers and sat down to put them on as I prepared to leave for work.  As I looked to my left into the dining room, I noticed a strange dark lump beneath the computer desk.  I had to check it out.  Yes, there it was, my elbow brace!  Guess I'll have to hide it in the bathroom cabinet next to the bathroom sink plug from now on.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


I bought collars for the boyz today.  Even got engraved tags, since Maddie is prone to escaping out the front door.  Can you say... "Get this thing off me!"  Chewing, rolling, biting, more chewing...  I finally had to take them off for a while and let them be used as toys.  Trotter was having a grand time carrying Maddie's collar around the living room.  Sigh...  I finally put them back on in the bathroom and distracted the two by drizzling a bit of water into the tub.  Priceless reactions... I'll post some video in a while.  The distraction also seems to have worked to get their minds off the things around their necks.  For now.

"Darling Clementine..."

I bought a bag of Clementine Oranges a couple of days ago and put them in a bowl on my kitchen ledge.  I noticed Trotter checking them out and turned away thinking, "Kitties don't like citrus."  When I turned back, there was an orange on the floor!  I don't know how he managed to pick it up, but Trotter was proudly standing above his orange.  So I tossed it into the livingroom and a lively game of kitten soccer ensued.  By the time I got home from work, the orange was sitting by the mini blinds in the living room.  That was last night, now I have no idea where the orange is.

Trotter has also figured out how to jump to the stove top and then up to the top of the fridge.  He got up there last night and I tried to ignore the noises coming from the kitchen.  I usually keep rubber bands hanging on the knobs of the cabinets above the stove.  They make useful closers for opened bags of frozen veggies.  When I finally dared to peak into the kitchen, I noticed the the cabinet door where the rubber bands hang was open and a grey kitten tale was wagging away from inside the cabinet.  I rushed over to attempt to lure Trotter out from the cabinet with as little collateral damage to the contents of the cabinet as possible.  As I tried to figure out what possessed him to get into the cabinet, I noticed the rubber bands that had fallen to the stove top.  He loves rubber bands!